Friends, Feasting, and Food Drive
What’s an SEO’s favorite Thanksgiving dish? Keyword stuffing!With Thanksgiving just a few days away, we chose to celebrate Egnyte-sgiving last Thursday. Now, I’ve never been one to turn down free food or stuff myself on Thanksgiving, so naturally I was excited to attend my first turkey day at Egnyte.All week, people signed up on the potluck list in the cafeteria to bring in their favorite dishes, except for one Egnyter who signed up to bring an empty stomach and was quickly assigned to clean-up duty. I was proud of my Egnyte family as they stepped up and put on a great team event. We had all the favorites: mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, apple pie, stuffing, ham and, of course, turkey.It wasn’t all about Egnyte and eating; we also took the time to collect food over the past two weeks to donate to the Second Harvest Food Bank. To get more donations, we decided to have a friendly competition between departments to see who could bring in the most food. The winning department was the Marketing, Operations and G&A team, and in all we donated 2,732 pounds of food.It’s holidays like this that remind us just how fortunate we are and that giving back is just as important. At the end of the day, working at Egnyte has enabled us to indulge in events like Egnyte-sgiving and keeps us thankful for friends, feasting, and file services all year long.